Mischa & Thomas Around The World

Cozumel and first days at Playa del Carmen

¡¡Hola todos!!

After a few days diving at Cozumel grew a bit boring. In fact the scenery was great due to the limestone rocks which form all kinds of caves, caverns and swim troughs. But in terms of fish abundance and reef live, it was after all quite disappointing (see our new pics).

So, we were ready for a new adventure and left for Playa del Carmen on Sunday 8th of June. After another 30 min ferry ride we checked into our new apartment, which will be our home for the next 4 weeks. And we love it!! It's really uebercool. It is a small cozycondo which consists of one bedroom, a kitchen and a living room with a bigggg TV... excellent for watching all the Football matches!! The apparent includes two blocks with a lovely secluded garden in the middle (http://www.residencelacoccinella.com/). We have the ground floor condo with a swimming pool right in front of our little terrace...yes it is Melrose Place... The apartment is situated close to 5th avenue where all the buzz happens during the day and night!

Americans still rule the place but we finally encountered people from other countries as well (many of the apartments in our complex are rented by Italians...great fun since we beat them 3-0 ha ha ha!). There are many great restaurants in our neighborhood and on Sunday we ended up in this really nice Italian restaurant, where we enjoyed fajitas with pollo and several Mexican cervazas (remember, this was an Italian restaurant...).

Yesterday we have started our Spanish course and kicked off with an opening exam. Our home studying turned out to be worthwhile and we were not seen as absolute beginners (feuten)...Guess what, we were put in the same class because our exams were identical (we did not cheat!! ). From around 12.20pm to 14.00pm we have conversational classesfollowed by three hours of private lessons.... after that it is homework in the evening. Unfortunately, we missed theFootball match of Holland against Italy (it was on around 14.00pm here), but were able to see the rerun in the evening without knowing the final result! And what a thrill it turned out to be!! Hup Holland hup, laat de leeuw niet in z´n hempje staan!! .

That's it for today folks. We will check out one of the coolest bars in Playa tonight called the Blue Parrot and have a couple of cervezas on the beach thinking of all you hardworking people at home...

Hasta pronto!!




De blue parrot.... die hadden jullie zeker ook bij dat examen bij je... Heeel toevallig hoor;-)

Heeeeel jaloers natuurlijk op jullie condo. Niet al te hard over ons leeuwtje schreeuwen he tegen die Italianen Miesje! Is een emotionele aangelegenheid voor die mensen;-)


Hoi wereldreizigers !
Misschien kennen jullie me nog vanop het verjaardagsfeestje bij je moeder, Jeanne, net zoals Sonja hier verderop, ook een vriendin.
Ik volg jullie grote avontuur ook een beetje mee en wens jullie uiteraard nog héél véél prachtige belevenissen, een ongelooflijk mooie wereldreis met een schitterend parcours, grensverleggende & spannende ervaringen ! Ik hoop en wens jullie alvast 365 leuke dagen om nooit te vergeten !
Genieten jullie daar maar alvast voor 100% en maak alle dromen waar ! Ik zal zeker nog wel eens met een klein beetje jaloezie kijken naar jullie verdere perikelen, maar gun het jullie van harte hoor !
Belgische groetjes, Anne

marc en grada - uden

Hoi genieters!
Zoeven jullie adres van mama Hennie gekregen. Ik ga zo af en toe eens heerlijk meereizen met jullie weblog.
Geniet van alle mooie dingen, die jullie nu beleven.
Liefs en groetjes,

Grada en Marc. Hasta lluego!

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